for Data Driven Business
PDF to Excel  |  PDF Invoices to Data  |  Data Driven Journalism
PDF to Excel
Complete Solutions
Output to almost any data format: Excel, MySQL, XML, to name a few. For PDF Invoices to MySQL, use our custom configured Sales Management software.
PDF Conversion for Accounting
At a constantly growing rate, vendors and suppliers email PDF Invoices, Purchase Orders, etc. Avoid wasteful, repetative manual entry. Get perfect data, output to almost any accounting format, 100% accurate with our automatic conversion.
Data Driven Journalism
Many potential sources actually use the PDF format to hide data or make it less useful. PDF files are graphic products, never intended to store data. Read why we can create higher quality data from PDF files than most other services..
Desktop as a Service
DaaS vendors and clients have a unique relationship. Often transactions from the "Desktop" can only be printed or saved as a PDF file. This may result in the client having no access to the original data, a serious management problem.
PDF Conversion for Accounting
Any PDF Source to Any Output
Data Driven Journalism
Custom Data Output
Excel, XML,
Word, Text
& QuickBooks